Psychosomatics & Emotional Anatomy Intensive Self Paced - Online/Hybrid Training
First few modules open after enrolment and payment received
 - Live calls bi-weekly available now Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)
Morella completed the 18x week
PEAT Intensive in July 2022
She then attended the 8 day residential retreat in August 2022

When you begin the Psychosomatics & Emotional anatomy training program we take a photo at the beginning, the middle and the end...
We split the photo and create a composite of two lefts (inner/feminine world) and two rights (outer/masculine world).
The photo shows the balance between your masculine and feminine self.
After the face reading and decoding module another shot is taken and split to understand tangible progress and change.
A 3rd shot is taken at the end of the modules before the last week..
Morella's Photos:
The top photo taken in January 2022, the second photo was taken June 2022 and the last photo (Morella is looking down in the photo) July 2022.
PLEASE NOTE: The first row of photos - from left to right when you look at the screen
2 right sides together (masculine) - The middle is the actual photo - 2 left sides together (feminine)
The second row of photos has - 2 right sides together (masculine) - 2 left sides together (feminine) -The middle is the actual photo
The last row of photos has - 2 right sides together (masculine) - The middle is the actual photo - 2 left sides together (feminine)
We look at the vitality of the life force, the condition and tone of the skin, the presence, light and connection in the eyes and the growth, as well as physical changes with the muscle structure and definition. We also pay attention to balance between the mental-emotional-physical and the left-right side relationship of the face, this shows integration of self and the embodiment of the work.