The Power of Intention...

Before you undertake a course or program with PEAT, you will notice that we ask you to make an intention.

This page is a free resource for you to feel into that question before completing the task.

An intention is a point of focus

that point of focus is made up of a network of tension supporting it to reach its goal.

The network is the embodied system of chakras/energy centres which speak to the nervous system, muscular skeletal system and endocrine system as the main ones.

These systems communicate with the brain as the brain dictate's the body systems support.

That complex network of tension brings all the energy related to that intention into one point of focus.

The varying degrees of Intentions:

  • Unconscious intentions
  • Simple intentions
  • Conscious intentions
  • Sankalpa*

Depending of what the intention is will depend on which conscious and unconscious tensions will form

*Sankalpa: Sankalpa is the Sanskrit word for intention. San means “to become one with” and kalpa means “time” and “subconscious mind.” In LifeForce Yoga, we use sankalpa as a way to set an intention, to connect with your heart's deepest desire

What is under the tension?


What are you pulling together to fulfil your intention?

What are you conscious of and what is unconscious?

Consciously it is what you know and your knowledge of what you have learned.

It is also your wisdom that you have gained since you were a child to now.

It's your body's ability or inability

It's the depth of desire, need or want to achieve that goal.

Is an intention a goal?


A goal is a need to go straight; we want it now, and we mentalise the way to go and not move off the path.

Being driven by a goal means nothing will stop you from achieving that goal. Being so focused and goal orientated can mean  possibilities get lost as the vision is clear on what you want, but not what you need.

A goal is set in your mind and an intention is an embodied process, it involves the emotional anatomy.

What is the intention driven by?


Your intention is driven by your life story, which are your stored experiences in your bones, muscles and tissue, they can be hidden away from your awareness.

This manifests as a reaction and a deep need to achieve, which may not be tangible.

In-tension and focus bring all your energy not only to a point, but all your resources come together to fulfil that intention.

You may not know how you are going to do it, the intention is important enough that you will make it happen.

As you are making it happen the universe backs you in that decision, and people join you on the mission because as it is important to you it becomes important to them.

The stronger the intention, the stronger the focus, the stronger the energy vacuum.

Take a moment and really feel into your intention for this course.

Allow a stream of consciousness to flow as you write, creating space for possibility.

Once the flow is finished read it back to allow it to land and be digested. 

Then edit your intention.


In a general sense

Ask yourself what are the true intentions behind your actions.

The truth might surprise you.

If you have been seeking a goal for a long time and have not got any closer to it, perhaps evaluate that goal and see what you have created on the journey to it.

You may find that exactly what your heart desires is already there, only in a different form than you expected.



MINI COURSE - Understanding the power the intention by Bianca Moeschinger




To discover more about the Power of Intention invest in PEAT's self paced mini-course only $49AUD,

Want to experience more join Bianca live online for a 2 hour session @ $27AUD