Conscious Eating - Psychosomatically speaking

Conscious Eating - Psychosomatically speaking

Have you thought about -  Conscious eating

Conscious eating is when we learn to define the difference between our mouths experience of eating and the sensation and feeling once we have eaten.

How are we digesting the food/life force we have just consumed?

TIP - If we mentalise the process too much our mouth doesn't salivate...

and yet if we listen to our mouth too much we are not listening to the reaction in our body to that food, or elements of it.

What if we ate and then felt into the energy its creates:

  • How it makes me feel
  • How much energy it gives me fast or slow?
  • How nourished do I feel afterwards?
  • Do I feel full, empty, bloated or satisfied?
  • am I noticing when I am thirsty and when I have had enough?

Conscious eating is about listening to all the components of eating from all aspects of the body mind.

+ My thoughts - what do I think

+ My emotions - How does it make me feel

+ My physical body - what are the sensations - reactions to that act of eating and the food we have consumed.

Did you know that the way you eat and digest food shows you directly how you eat and digest life...  Bianca Moeschinger



TIP from Gillian Maddigan:

"Do you smell your food before you see your food,

Do you see your food before you taste your food,

Do you feel it once it lands in your gut. "




Conscious eating Psychosomatically speaking 

with Gillian Maddigan

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