Exposed - A Poem by Gillian Maddigan

Author Gillian Maddigan - 4th June 2024

Gillian's Emotional Release Poems

I recently completed facilitating the 6 day Psychosomatics and Emotional Anatomy training with Bianca and our most recent student cohort.  After course I allow the integration and feel into how I am landing in this newly realised space. 

When I am in the shower, I listen to music and cleanse. I sing the songs as if they are meant for me. This time these two songs, in this order, connected me to my hallow depths, the shadows within. The first one is in Korean, but the refrain is in English; it hits the mark with the essence beyond the words. "I'm Sorry by Ailee" The second connected to the fire within me. "Keeping Me Alive by Jonathan Roy"

This poem arose out of the darkness and brought a flood of tears to my eyes


A Poem by Gillian Maddigan


For what it seems most of my lifetime, I have given and supported others for the reward of recognition. 

And it has left me with a hollow vacuum and a protected, weary and wary heart. 

The image I left with a scowl or smile was often a facade. 

Hidden beneath was a burning fire that kept me alive, sharpened my tongue, brightened my smile and was fed by sorrow and need. 

But that was the then of a near past, and now, for others and their wants, there is my silence and no, not today. 

The tomorrow for others contains maybes, some time and whatever you can. 

For me, there is yes and now, dreaming, dancing, and making fantasy real.

My todays are built on embers of yesterday and the brightness of tomorrow.

I stand within myself and the space I have created and feel my power breathing in life. 



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