The Psychosomatics & Emotional Anatomy

Training Blog

by Gillian Maddigan & Bianca Moeschinger

Large thighs with a knee lock

Author Gillian Maddigan - 12th January 2024

Psychosomatics and Emotional Anatomy Master Class

One of the biggest body challenges over the 45 years of living my body has been my relationship with my thighs since 13 years of age.

One of the anchor stories was being the fatty in my family this was...

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A Personal Share - Bianca Moeschinger co-founder The PEAT Training Programs

Author Bianca Moeschinger - 25th July 2023

I have been working in the field of Psychosomatic therapy for many years now. Being a complimentary therapist, I mainly deal with a persons body mind relationship. The body/mind relationship is based on communication. The body and mind have a...

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Our Layers of Being Human, Psychosomatically Speaking


 Author: Gillian Maddigan - 29th March 2023

We, humans, are long-lived complex creatures with many layers to our being and our interactions.

From our physical bodies to our emotional and mental states, we are a culmination of our experiences and the way we have interacted...

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What is Psychosomatics, Psychosomatic Therapy or Psychosomatic?


Author:  Bianca Moeschinger - 15th March 2023

Psychosomatic is the communication between the mind and the body. 

This communication shapes us as human beings.  In the mind, it is what we know, what we have been taught and how we put things together to have an outlook of the...

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