What is Psychosomatic Therapy?

Psychosomatic is the communication between the mind and the body


Psychosomatic Therapy, is the therapy of the mind/body communication.  This work validates the mind/body connection, giving power back to the individual.  They then have choice and awareness on how they wish to exist in the world.

This communication shapes us as human beings.  In the mind, it is what we know, what we have been taught and how we put things together to have an outlook of the world and ourselves.

Emotionally it is the re-action or trigger to an event. This reaction is shaped by childhood. The level of the reaction depends on how we have experienced that reaction in the past.  Emotion, at it's most basic, is an energetic reaction in motion that carries a cognitive or sensory memory or story.  It usually contains an emotional level that we feel safe in.

The physical is the action: how it has landed and how we action a situation either by words or movement.  Our body is then physically shaped to support that action.

Psychosomatic Therapy looks at how all of this plays a part in how you are shaped in the world externally and internally.  This information that we can see and feel usually registers a familiarity with the person receiving the information - it makes sense.

Medically psychosomatics is used in the context of when a doctor or specialist cannot label a clear cause of a diagnosis or category it is often regarded as psychosomatic.

What is the purpose of understanding my Psychosomatic language?

The purpose of understanding your own psychosomatic language is so that you can apply this information to any situation, it gives you awareness from a mind, emotion and body perspective, i.e. think/feel/do.

Our objective is to become more conscious. When we become more conscious, we can unlock the stories, memories and hidden layers of ourselves to see and feel things from the past in a different light.  This unravels the whole system, and we can then consciously choose how we wish to move forward.

Life is all around us and within us. Life speaks to us all the time. Life is that force or spark of light/electricity that keeps us alive.  We can easily get distracted, the world is a busy place full of influence.  

We can be shy, awkward, and insecure, we can feel unwelcome or out of place. These are all human reactions to others as we are all navigating our own space and finding where we fit in.

We are governed in the beginning by others accepting us before we truly learn to accept ourselves. It is in those formative years that most of our behavioural patterns start, and from there, a cascade into the shape or form that you are now in. This then directly relates to your current position in life with profession, relationship, wealth and health.

This is where psychosomatic awareness truly starts to shine. We can feel, see and sense our way through life to make our way gracefully through disease and disharmony to find ease and harmony. This is absolutely possible. The future comes from within. We have everything we need on the inside of us already, our job is to listen, nurture and understand this human form that we are in.

Those who train in Psychosomatic Therapy have the same tools, but each of us applies the tools in different ways integrating them into our lives and also into our work. The variety of ways Psychosomatics can be applied is limited to personal experience and your sense of adventure. 

Is this training right for you?


This program will give you the tools to read and understand yourself and your clients at a cellular level. 

The course is based on the principles of STRUCTURE  - BALANCE - FOCUS 

Each person, your clients, patients, team and business relationships and yourself have a Mind Body story formed by your genetics, cultural upbringing, family patterning, status, influence and behavioural conditioning that has created an effective reaction which has become a habit. 

The human story is stored in the bones, muscles, tissue, and mental pathways. When triggered, generally, there is no or little conscious awareness as it has become a reaction. However, reactions can be recognised/obvious in verbal language, facial expressions, energy management and body language.

What makes this training or qualification stand out is bringing together the Psycho(Psyche/Mind), Somatic(Body in action) and Connection(Spirit) together, creating a flow with conscious participants that can be observed in your clients, patients and relationships. 

No matter your current profession, these skills will enrich your offering not only to your clients but to yourself and your relationships.

If you are seeking more for yourself or a career change, this certification will launch you into the therapeutic field and take your communication to another level with insight and skill at the mind, body, emotional and spiritual levels. 





Where things land and form into a structure, bones form our structure and start out soft and flexible before becoming solid as the mind secures it's learning throughout the course of life.

The structure is the first stage of the Psychosomatic & Emotional Anatomy training.

We offer a new possibility - a perspective to perhaps adjust your lens a little.

The bones are directly linked to the mind and carry the information that lands. This skeleton then supports you throughout life and provides structure and stability.





Where things land and form into a structure, they start out soft and flexible before becoming solid as the mind secures its learning throughout the course of life.

This is the first stage to the Psychosomatic & Emotional anatomy training.

We offer a new possibility - a perspective to perhaps adjust your lens a little.

The bones are directly linked to the mind, the bones carry the information that lands. This then supports you throughout life, provides structure and stability.

This is our hope in the beginning of this training.








The muscles are how you walk in the world, the ability to move your structure, support and stability.

The expression of this is formed in the flesh and creates your personality.

We have fleshed out this program in a way that can be felt, pushed against, and received.

This is the second stage of the Psychosomatic & Emotional anatomy training.

Your tissue is going to respond to this work.  Your behaviour has formed it; you are 'being what you have here now'.

Creating change requires a new way of understanding yourself. 

We will show you how to stand under yourself (Under-Stand).


How you move in the world, the ability to move your structure, support and stability.

The expression of this if formed in the flesh and creates your personality.

We have fleshed out this program in a way that can be felt, pushed up against and received.

This is the second stage to the Psychosomatic & Emotional anatomy training.

Your tissue is going to respond to this work.  It has been formed by your behaviour, you are simply 'being what you have here'.

To create change requires a new way of understanding your self. 

We will show you how to stand under yourself (Under - Stand).





How do you feel the world with your sensitivity?

Do you sensual (Sense you all)? 

Or are you in-sensitive?

Or are some areas desensitised and others overly sensitive?

Protection, defence, action, reaction - how do you feel the outside to the inside and the inside to the outside?

How do you hold yourselves or the information together?

Interoception - Proprioception -Exteroception

This is the third stage of the Psychosomatic & Emotional anatomy training.

Integration and direct feedback are when all that we have learned gets actualised in the physical.






How you feel the world with your sensitivity, do you sensual (Sense you all) or are you in-sensitive OR are some areas desensitised and others overly sensitive.

Protection, defence, action, reaction - how do we feel the outside to the inside and the inside to the outside.

Interoception - Proprioception -Exteroception

This is the third stage to the Psychosomatic & Emotional anatomy training.

Integration and direct feedback, when all that we have learnt gets actualised in the physical.

How do we hold ourselves or the information together.




Massage therapists






Funds Managers


Erotic coaches


Sports Medicine


Chinese Medicine


Business Owners

Yoga Teachers/therapists

Massage therapists







Funds Managers



Erotic coaches


Sports Medicine



Chinese Medicine


Business Owners

Yoga Teachers/therapists

Most enrolled in this program to further their knowledge of others, some changing occupations and others adding skills learned to their current profession. But the real benefit is the work you do on yourself, which flows into your practice and work with others.



One goes on this journey, and it can be challenging yet satisfying at the same time. The time you invest in a program must be worth it by full-filling your desires while also taking away new resources and tools for practice.

The Psychosomatics & Emotional Anatomy journey is one of self-discovery, the one where your unconscious self becomes conscious; through the art of awareness, you slowly unravel your existence and why you are exactly how you are.

Your tissue tells this story, and your actions and reactions form and reform this story whilst starting to create new ones consciously.

Our programs are life programs; they will influence your life. They are not good or bad; they are your life in motion.

We use simple language and many already-known concepts and tweak them a little to show you another perspective.

You will become aware, and in that awareness, you can then exert your will and make conscious choices.



Certified Practitioner Qualification &

Professional Development Pathway




Personal Development Online PEAT Program - Self Paced


All our programs start with our own personal journey first. We believe that our qualified practitioners need to experience the work for themselves, first, before working on another. 

Our Personal Development program is in-depth and rich in content and experience. It contains resources from east and west, whilst providing you with tools to support yourself and grow throughout the experience. 

'The Starter - Personal Development Online PEAT Program'




Support = Self Paced or Hybrid Coaching & Training


Your online training program can be completed Self paced or Hybrid.

Our Hybrid Programs begin the third week of January and July each year, they run for 6 months.

You receive 17 x 2 hour live calls with Bianca Moeschinger and Gillian Maddigan each week in alignment with the online training portal. 

Complimentary access is granted to the PEAT Community and Self development circles.

#Self Paced - Start Immediately and finish whenever suits you.



Psychosomatics & Emotional Anatomy Bodywork In Person Training


Personal, Professional and Practitioner students are invited to attend the In-Person training for 6 days. 

Over the 6 days emotional release bodywork, emotional anatomy and the body language component of the training program.

The 6 days In-Person includes 2 days of review - face, hands, feet and body, plus 4 days of emotional release bodywork and the anatomy training.

9:00am to 5:30pm, in either Melbourne or Switzerland.

The training is facilitated by Bianca Moeschinger and Gillian Maddigan.




Professional Development Online PEAT Intensive


The 'Professional online training program for practitioners' includes:

9 modules with the focus on another rather than yourself. Relating and relationships are an important factor in this training. Including the development of your professional positioning.

8 x 2 hour private live coaching calls with Bianca Moeschinger and Gillian Maddigan.

Private Practitioner community group for liaison and resources.

This programs primary objective is working with clients using Psychosomatic Therapy, Emotional Release and Bodywork.

Assessment to be completed:

+ reports - hands, feet, body, face, emotional anatomy and lifestyle consultations.

+ practical demonstrations - reading the body and performing emotional release bodywork on a number of clients.


Reach your potential with PEAT


Complete your full certification:

+ logbook completion within 12 months

+ 2x additional modules with the Psychosomatic Therapy College.

Module 1 - Logbook, Legal and Ethical Compliance 

Module 2 - Apply reflective practice in a Psychosomatic therapy role


Please note: (additional fees of $1,250AUD paid directly to the college)

Once certified you can acquire insurance in Australia and practice as a Psychosomatic Therapist. You are also eligible to become a member of the International Association of Psychosomatic Therapy - INTAPT






Content is self paced with 60 minute live online calls Bi-weekly, plus interactive community and private sharing circles. 

Program consists of 9 Personal development and 9 Professional development modules.

Option to upgrade to Certified Practitioner  program.







We begin the third week of January every year.  Times are between 8:00pm & 10:00pm AEST.

Program consists of 9 modules, they are delivered over 19 weeks, 2 live sessions a week.  One session is allocated to learning and the other Q&A/Sharing. 

We enjoy 1 week off after each module.  This allows time for at home study of the online material, review of the recorded sessions and integration of the work.

The 'In-Person' component is optional, it is held in August (Australian location) and October (European location) every year.  This is where the touch and embodiment of the work happens.

The 8 day residential 'in-person' component is compulsory for those seeing full accreditation of Psychosomatic Therapy







Being in the energy of others is one of the most transformative ways to really understand yourself and relationships.

We start off separate and at the end become one.  Diversity is one of the keys to our existence.

The PEAT programs intensive 'In-Person' component is held over 6 days (9:00am to 5:00pm).

The In-Person training is held in Melbourne and Amsterdam each year.

It is focused on the emotional release bodywork and body mind analysis training.  The touch and feel aspects of the training. 

This training can be attended by both the self development and professional students. 


Being in the energy of others is one of the most transformative ways to really understand yourself and relationships.

We start off separate and at the end become one.  Diversity is one of the keys to our existence.

What you take away from our retreats is of the utmost importance to us. It is easy for someone to crack open and have an awakening whilst on retreat.

We understand the power of this work, it is our mission that not only do you have an incredible retreat but that you have the tools to handle what comes up days, months and years after the retreat.

We are in the business of facilitating and assisting our attendees to find their own independence, regulation, safety and acceptance






Starting from $49AUD you can complete one of the many mini courses based on the principles of Psychosomatic Therapy, Emotional Anatomy, Emotional Release bodywork and Yoga.

These courses contain exercises, videos, information and resources on subjects related to:

Resilience, relationships, a living eulogy, conscious eating, chakras, mothers stories, triggers, embodiment, energy in motion, touch, feel and the rest.

We have new courses coming online every month.

Gillian and Bianca are rich with content, the purpose behind this business & community is to share this knowledge with the wider community at an affordable price.


Mini Courses





Each module of the Intensive Psychosomatic and Emotional anatomy training is available independently.

These modules can be completed self paced.  Each purchased module can be used as a credit towards the intensive PEAT online training.

Please note that no live sessions are included in these modules.

We also have a range of self paced mini courses.

COMING SOON - All mini courses and individual modules are in creation mode.


Morella completed the 18x week

PEAT Intensive in July 2022

She then attended the 8 day residential retreat in August 2022

Morella completed the 18x week

PEAT Intensive in

July 2022

She then attended the 8 day residential retreat in August 2022

When you begin the Psychosomatics & Emotional anatomy training program we take a photo at the beginning, the middle and the end...

We split the photo and create a composite of two lefts (inner/feminine world) and two rights (outer/masculine world). 

The photo shows the balance between your masculine and feminine self.

After the face reading and decoding module another shot is taken and split to understand tangible progress and change.

A 3rd shot is taken at the end of the modules before the last week..


Morella's Photos:

The top photo taken in January 2022, the second photo was taken June 2022 and the last photo (Morella is looking down in the photo) July 2022.

PLEASE NOTE: The first row of photos - from left to right when you look at the screen

2 right sides together (masculine) - The middle is the actual photo - 2 left sides together (feminine)

The second row of photos has -  2 right sides together (masculine) - 2 left sides together (feminine) -The middle is the actual photo

The last row of photos has - 2 right sides together (masculine) - The middle is the actual photo - 2 left sides together (feminine)



We look at the vitality of the life force, the condition and tone of the skin, the presence, light and connection in the eyes and the growth, as well as physical changes with the muscle structure and definition. We also pay attention to balance between the mental-emotional-physical and the left-right side relationship of the face, this shows integration of self and the embodiment of the work.




Really deeply, with confidence and conviction, understand yourself at a new level
Understand what your body was asking you to do
Recognise the old patterns you are triggered into
Notice the self whispers, are they cutting you down or raising you up
Become aware of how full your cup is
Understand ways to fill your cup that are unique to you
Identify your story from family, parental, and generational stories
Trust yourSelf to make decisions in the moment that benefit you
Awaken to possibilities that align and manage you on your Self awareness journey
Understand how to refine a dream and make it your Real life
Let go of the facade and image that use to protect you but now confine you
Feel the strength of your own support and ability to step confidently into the world
Free yourself and feel a deep self trust within you and with the decisions you make
Be able to change the lens in which you experience the world around and within you
Think and see clearly recognising old patterns and dumping old beliefs and opening yourself to a new way of seeing and believing in yourself
Being able to FLEX and ACT rather that resist and react
Changing how you turn up in your relationships - being okay turning up as yourself

IF YOU have answered YES to any of these statements, then find out more.

The PEAT Programs are founded, created and designed by Bianca Moeschinger and Gillian Maddigan, they are originally based on the Psychosomatic Therapy process, which they have fleshed out to now included Emotional Anatomy, language of faces/the body, embodiment, yoga and somatic awareness amongst other things.


"I understand just by being I am influencing you; 

That fact directly affects my life choices" 

Bianca Moeschinger 


Bianca Moeschinger

Melbourne, Australia

Bianca Moeschinger is a master teacher of Psychosomatic Therapy, a Therapist in Psychosomatic Therapy, Emotional Release Bodywork and a BioMedical Yoga Therapist. 


Gillian Maddigan

Gold Coast, Australia

Gillian Maddigan is an established Master Practitioner in clinical hypnosis, NLP, Reiki, Deep Tissue Therapeutic massage & Psychosomatic therapy.  



This is our Story


Psychosomatic Therapy is a therapy created by a man by the name of Hermann Mller who passed away on the 12th December 2017.  Hermann was based on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. 

He founded the Psychosomatic Therapy College a registered training institution.  His wife Marie Müller is now the sole director and proprietor of the college.

Gillian Maddigan and Bianca Moeschinger are both registered teachers of the college, we do not work directly for the college, however are trained and registered to teach the accredited Certificate in Psychosomatic Therapy.

The intensive training program and modules we teach form part of the recognition for prior learning with the college.  On completion of the study with us, each student will be RPL'd by the College. (If they choose the professional training path.)

The training we teach has the same bones and mechanics as the one taught directly by the college.  Our course has added detail and expertise gathered from the years of experience not only teaching and facilitating psychosomatic therapy training, but also as full time therapists.

Gillian Maddigan is Hermann Müller's daughter, she has been involved in Psychosomatic Therapy since its conception.  She grew up into the work as it unfolded into a recognised therapy.

In the early stages Gillian worked on the text books and manuals for the training, before becoming fully qualified in her own right and working directly for the college as a therapist and manager.

Bianca Moeschinger fell into the work in 2009 after a long career in realestate and finance.  The qualification of Diploma of teaching masters and practitioners in Psychosomatic therapy lead to many courses and a successful therapy practice in Melbourne Australia.

Psychosomatic therapy is very personal, each facilitator will bring up a different experience and journey for you.  The learning never stops as each of us is a reflection of something in you that you love or hate about yourself.

It is our hope through this abundant online resource full of not only paid courses, but complimentary guidance and community, you will feel enriched and can explore this amazing therapeutic practice for your own personal development or to add to your current professional practice.

Bianca Moeschinger & Gillian Maddigan

 We are the Founders of Psychosomatics and Emotional Anatomy training - PEAT

Community of like minded people from all over the world.  We share, discuss, learn, network... 


FREE Access to all enrolled students & attendees. 


Stay Connected

- Receive program specials, new course releases, spontaneous zoom live's with Bianca and Gillian.

- In-person events details 

- Our latest blog posts

- Community announcements

This list is perfect for anyone even remotely interested in Psychosomatics and Emotional Anatomy Training, case studies and volunteer opportunities.