The Psychosomatics & Emotional Anatomy

Training Blog

by Gillian Maddigan & Bianca Moeschinger

The dance of energy between practitioner and client on the table - Part 1

Author: Bianca Moeschinger - 11th January 2024

Psychosomatic Therapist and Emotional Release Bodyworker Series

As many of you know, I work with people's body-mind relationship mostly with my hands and in presence. I dance with a lot of other people's energy on a close and personal level. Knowing...

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Healing into Wholeness

 Author: Gillian Maddigan - 17th April 2023

Healing into wholeness happens from the inside out and starts with recognition that something is broken and weakened.

Then the cycle of repair starts with the discomfort with change, commitment and healthy repetition, which brings...

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What if pain was a fear of expansion...


Author:  Bianca Moeschinger - 15th April 2023

Pain, pain pain, what is worse than pain, it is something we avoid, run from, numb out and get really frustrated and angry at. It is the one thing that can turn a functioning, healthy person into a raving lunatic. Ok big words, but...

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