Psychosomatic Therapy & Emotional Anatomy

Intensive training Programs


Changing lives for more than 20 years

through education & therapy

PEAT offers life changing comprehensive self development to therapist training programs in Psychosomatic Therapy & The Emotional Anatomy

Become the scientist in your own story

Start your Training Journey Today 


FULL Online Program + 180 Minute Live weekly calls for 6 months
 FULL Online Program + live support calls as needed

The PEAT Training programs reconnect you with your guidance system.  

Gaining awareness of your Psychosomatic relationship will bring you closer to independence, regulation and balance.

Our programs Amplify your Body/Mind Relationship.

Giving you the power to manage and lead your own life, whilst enjoying relationships with others.

What a challenging but awakening experience to fully immerse yourself into a small group of like minded but vastly different people to experience growth on an individual and collective level. For anyone who choses to venture into further understanding themselves and others this course will offer you much growth both personally and professionally.
Bianca and Gillian offer a richness of information delivered in uniquely differing styles which caters for a variety of people and ensures the richness is received depending on what resonates with you at the time of receiving. I feel that this richness is a gift that will continue to keep giving well beyond the completion of this course.
Thank you for providing me with this opportunity for such deep and profound self reflection
Michele Reichman

The PEAT Training Programs Pathway

NOTE: Individual Modules can be purchased and completed in your own time


The PEAT Training Programs Pathway 



Personal Development Online PEAT Program - Self Paced


All our programs start with our own personal journey first. We believe that our qualified practitioners need to experience the work for themselves, first, before working on another. 

Our Personal Development program is in-depth and rich in content and experience. It contains resources from east and west, whilst providing you with tools to support yourself and grow throughout the experience. 

'The Starter - Personal Development Online PEAT Program'




Support = Self Paced or Hybrid Coaching & Training


Your online training program can be completed Self paced or Hybrid.

Our Hybrid Programs begin the third week of January and July each year, they run for 6 months.

You receive 17 x 2 hour live calls with Bianca Moeschinger and Gillian Maddigan each week in alignment with the online training portal. 

Complimentary access is granted to the PEAT Community and Self development circles.

#Self Paced - Start Immediately and finish whenever suits you.




Psychosomatics & Emotional Anatomy Bodywork In Person 


Personal, Professional and Practitioner students are invited to attend the In-Person training for 6 days. 

Over the 6 days emotional release bodywork, emotional anatomy and the body language component of the training program.

The 6 days In-Person includes 2 days of review - face, hands, feet and body, plus 4 days of emotional release bodywork and the anatomy training.

9:00am to 5:30pm, in either Melbourne or Switzerland.

The training is facilitated by Bianca Moeschinger and Gillian Maddigan.




Professional Development Online - PEAT Intensive


The 'Professional online training program for practitioners' includes:

9 modules with the focus on another rather than yourself. Relating and relationships are an important factor in this training. Including the development of your professional positioning.

8 x 2 hour private live coaching calls with Bianca Moeschinger and Gillian Maddigan.

Private Practitioner community group for liaison and resources.

This programs primary objective is working with clients using Psychosomatic Therapy, Emotional Release and Bodywork. 

Assessment to be completed:

+ reports - hands, feet, body, face, emotional anatomy and lifestyle consultations.

+ practical demonstrations - reading the body and performing emotional release bodywork on a number of clients.



Weekly Live calls are at 6:00pm to 8:00pm AEST

Every Thursday 

18th July to 12th September

3rd October 

24th October to 5th December

Recordings will be provided

Nine Modules

Personal development to Practitioner focused training 

One of the most comprehensive online Personal development programs on the market

We cover framework and how to set yourselves up to receive the most out of this online training course.

We look at the 'I Am' framework:

  • Where you are based geographically

  • What is your history, culture etc

  • Tell us about your family, occupation, age & who you identify as...

  • Triggers management

  • How you turn up for yourself and for others

We nurture growth, provide tools, resources and support.  How to best apply the learnings in your daily process and personal relationships. 

'We meet each other where we are at.'

Principles of Psychosomatics - The toolbox

This module gives you the keys you can use in all the other modules. 

Understanding the key principles of psychosomatic and emotional anatomy awareness, application and the foundation of the work. 


  • The masculine and feminine dynamics (yin/yang)

  • The evolution of psychosomatics and how it can influence your world

  • Your body's energetic system in motion

  • Recognise how the psychosomatic process can be used to understand the deeper meaning of life but also discomfort, pain and imbalances.

  • The psychosomatic principles are tools you can keep forever, and that can be utilised throughout your life.

  • In understanding yourself, you know others more deeply from an internal and external perspective.

Soul Connection of the feet

The feet support you in your journey throughout your life.

Each part of who you are is represented by the foundations beneath you.  Responding to how you measure your connection to the planet.

When you stand you make a connection to earth. 


  • The structure and element of your earth foundations

  • What each toe represents in your life

  • How your soul/sole connection responds to how you make a stand

  • How your bone, muscle, tissue development stores information about your past and how that influences your future

  • How your energy pools or flows in your feet and is influenced by your flexibility to move forward or stand your ground

Theory & Understanding behind Body Mind Analysis

Our body is the vessel of our experiences and behaviours (we are 'being' what we have here).  

From the moment of our conception to now, our body is continually forming, deconstructing and reforming.

We are created from our genetics, conditioning - family, environment, culture, religion or belief system and repetitive patterned responses-triggers.   


  • Our structure - foundation of our form

  • Chakras the bodies energetic system- representation and intersection

  • How energy flows from a psychosomatic perspective within our body  - The funnel

  • The internal world creates a response in our external body form.

  •  Through awareness of our internal world, we can reform our external responses and physical body

  • How psychosomatic responses are a unique perspective for each individual

  • How we process - a thinker, feeler or a do'er?

Reflection on your past

This module covers our journey from conception to the present moment, breaking down our history in a timeline that reflects the bodies, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual condition.

We explore the Chakras the bodies energetic system- representation, intersection, impression and expression. 


  • Our Foundational History - 0 to 7 years
  • Our Familiar History - 7 to 14 years 
  • Our Identification History - 14 to 21 years
  • Our Love History - 21 to 28 years
  • Our Voice History - 28 to 35 years
  • Our Insightful History - 35 to 42 years
  • Our Crowning History - 42 to 49 years

Face Reading and Decoding

The face has been developed by your experiences from the womb to now.  We look at the past's impact and conditioning, and how they influence your present and future experiences.  

We dive into the structure, purpose and energy flow, exploring the bones, muscles, tendons, tissue and skin formations and how they function to represent your inner world.


  • The bones are the growth pattern developed through experience in childhood, they make up your identity or structure.
  • The personality of your face shape
  • How your facial features speak through their shape, size and formation

  • Energy flow through the chakra system of the face

  • The expression and balance of the masculine & feminine qualities and attributes.

  • Practical application of Psychosomatic Face language decoding in your life

The world is in your hands

In this module we explore the utility of hands, their duality of expression and impression and the nuances of our sensitivity.

Touch is one of the first sensory experiences we learn. A baby senses life through the palms of their hands, because their fingers are not yet developed.

Do you have strong practical or a delicate sensitive hands, or maybe philosophical fingers, each share an intimate story, if we take the time to hold and read them.


  • The code of each fingers meaning

  • The resources in the palm of your hand

  • Each part of your hands has a unique language

  • The meaning of the Chakras in the hands 

  • The hands as they have so much depth that each discovery brings joy as it shows how you have reached out and received from life 


Emotional Anatomy and Archetypes

In this module we start to investigate further the chemistry in the tissue.  How the tissue responds to the way you are being.

We learn how important our stories and beliefs are to our body/mind.

Our individual story can tie us to the past or project us into the future.  We can be unaware of the complex and yet simple nature of our conditioning.

This module gives us an insight into our bodies and brings the unconscious into conscious awareness. 

In understanding ourselves we can have richer relationships with ourselves and others. 


  • Your form - blocks, triggers, releases

  • Movement, flow and interactions in the chakra  energy
  • Reservoirs,  channels, pouches and directional flow in your tissue and form
  • The value of breath and your current unique breathing pattern

  • We travel into the world of emotional structure, holding patterns and emotional release
Emotional Component of Psychosomatic Dis-Eases.

The body-mind talks constantly informing us of prior experiences and present possibilities that may impact in the moment. 

When we choose to ignore the indications of discomfort for long periods of time they become dis-ease. 

Ignored long enough they can become life long or life ending.

In this module we look at causes, connections, change and clarity.


  • How to identify and define the dis-ease 

  • Where and why does dis-ease manifest?

  • The connections between your energy centres chakras and dis-ease

  • Understanding managing and creating change in the relationship with the dis-ease.

  • Are you your disease and how do you live with your disease?

What have you uncovered in your psychosomatic & emotional anatomy journey?

This week we go back the very beginning, we revisit your old photos and place them next to your new ones.

What are they showing you, how do they make you feel? 


  • What has been your journey over the whole program?  What have you noticed is different from the start to now?

  • Triggers are they a problem or have they changed? How does your emotional anatomy dance now - tango or thrash metal or freeze?
  • How do you stand in your world?
  • How has your face changed?
  • Do your hands and touch experience the world differently?

  • What do you feel is different with your energy flow, what has changed?




Psychosomatics + Emotional Release Bodywork In-Person Training





Morella completed the 18x week

PEAT Intensive in July 2022

She then attended the 8 day residential retreat in August 2022

When you begin the Psychosomatics & Emotional anatomy training program we take a photo at the beginning, the middle and the end...

We split the photo and create a composite of two lefts (inner/feminine world) and two rights (outer/masculine world). 

The photo shows the balance between your masculine and feminine self.

After the face reading and decoding module another shot is taken and split to understand tangible progress and change.

A 3rd shot is taken at the end of the modules before the last week..


Morella's Photos:

The top photo taken in January 2022, the second photo was taken June 2022 and the last photo (Morella is looking down in the photo) July 2022.

PLEASE NOTE: The first row of photos - from left to right when you look at the screen

2 right sides together (masculine) - The middle is the actual photo - 2 left sides together (feminine)

The second row of photos has -  2 right sides together (masculine) - 2 left sides together (feminine) -The middle is the actual photo

The last row of photos has - 2 right sides together (masculine) - The middle is the actual photo - 2 left sides together (feminine)



We look at the vitality of the life force, the condition and tone of the skin, the presence, light and connection in the eyes and the growth, as well as physical changes with the muscle structure and definition. We also pay attention to balance between the mental-emotional-physical and the left-right side relationship of the face, this shows integration of self and the embodiment of the work.




PEAT Personal to Professional/Practitioner Development Pricing guide

PAYMENT PLAN - Please note all payment plans incur a 10% fee

All Prices include GST 

For the packages including the In-Person in Switzerland, Please go to the store page.



Includes Online Personal Development Program

  • 12 month payment plan
  • 9 comprehensive modules delivered over hours of pre-recorded live online training
  • Allow from 3 months to complete
  • Access to online training for up to 24 months
  • Personal development online course portal
  • Direct live weekly teaching
  • Framework and process for personal or social use.
  • Live Support, Q&A and sharing
  • Private PEAT Community access
  • Private practitioner PEAT community group
  • Pathway to full certification
  • Prices are plus 10% GST

UPGRADE - Practitioner Professional


Includes Online Practitioner upgrade

  • 12 month payment plan
  • Private practitioner PEAT community group
  • Professional or Practitioner online course portal
  • Access to online training for up to 24 months
  • Support specific to your field
  • Assessment and feedback
  • Framework and process for professional use.
  • Support, Q&A and sharing
  • Pathway to certification
  • Psychosomatic Therapy manual
  • Prices are plus 10% GST



Includes Online + In Person Program

  • Pay in Full $6,794 - (SAVE $2,194)
  • Monthly Payment plan - 12 x $605
  • Full price before discount $8,789
  • 6 day Face to Face Training
  • 48 In-Person contact hours 
  • Psychosomatic Therapy manual
  • Bodywork training
  • Logbook preparation (if required)
  • Personal time to explore and digest.
  • Full access to Personal PEAT Online Training Program 
  • Support, Q&A and sharing
  • Private PEAT community group
  • Pathway to full certification
  • Prices are plus 10% GST

PEAT GOLD - Practitioner Professional PACKAGE


Includes online Personal & Professional + In-Person

  • Pay in full - $8,569  (SAVE $2,194)
  • Monthly Payment plan 12 x $786
  • Full price before discount $10,763
  • 6 day Face to Face Training
  • 48 In-Person contact hours 
  • Psychosomatic Therapy manual
  • Bodywork training
  • Logbook preparation (if required)
  • Personal time to explore and digest.
  • Full access to Personal & Professional PEAT Online Training Program
  • Support, Q&A and sharing
  • Private practitioner PEAT community group
  • Pathway to full certification
  • Prices are plus 10% GST



USE COUPON CODE (FULLPAYMENT) to receive a further 10% discount

For the packages including the In-Person in Switzerland, Please go to the store page.




Includes Online Personal Development Program

  • 9 comprehensive modules delivered over hours of pre-recorded live online training
  • Allow from 3 months to complete
  • Access to online training for up to 24 months
  • Personal development online course portal
  • Direct live weekly teaching
  • Framework and process for personal or social use.
  • Live Support, Q&A and sharing
  • Private PEAT Community access
  • Private practitioner PEAT community group
  • Pathway to full certification
  • Prices are plus 10% GST

UPGRADE - Practitioner Professional


Includes Online Practitioner upgrade

  • Private practitioner PEAT community group
  • Professional or Practitioner online course portal
  • Access to online training for up to 24 months
  • Support specific to your field
  • Assessment and feedback
  • Framework and process for professional use.
  • Support, Q&A and sharing
  • Pathway to certification
  • Psychosomatic Therapy manual
  • Prices are plus 10% GST



Includes Online + In Person Program

  • Pay in Full $6,595 - (SAVE $2,194)
  • 6 day Face to Face Training
  • Full Price before discount $8,789
  • 48 In-Person contact hours 
  • Psychosomatic Therapy manual
  • Bodywork training
  • Logbook preparation (if required)
  • Personal time to explore and digest.
  • Full access to Personal PEAT Online Training Program 
  • Support, Q&A and sharing
  • Private PEAT community group
  • Pathway to full certification
  • Prices are plus 10% GST

PEAT GOLD - Practitioner Professional PACKAGE


Includes online Personal & Professional + In-Person

  • Pay in full - $8,569  (SAVE $2,194)
  • Monthly Payment plan 12 x $786
  • Full Price before discount $10,763
  • 6 day Face to Face Training
  • 48 In-Person contact hours 
  • Psychosomatic Therapy manual
  • Bodywork training
  • Logbook preparation (if required)
  • Personal time to explore and digest.
  • Full access to Personal & Professional PEAT Online Training Program
  • Support, Q&A and sharing
  • Private practitioner PEAT community group
  • Pathway to full certification
  • Prices are plus 10% GST


Online Psychosomatic Therapy & Emotional Anatomy Training